The group also prepared " maxims of love " on slips of paper for people to draw at random 师父的画作与灯饰也在艺术创作展区中交相辉映。
The names of willing teenage girls were placed in a box and drawn at random by teenage men 他们把志愿少女们的名条放在一个盒子里,由少男随意抽出。
About 9 600 units in private residential buildings and 2 400 ntehs in selected recognized villages will be drawn at random 这项统计调查以随机抽样方式,选出约9600个私人屋宇单位及从选定的认可乡村选出约2400个新界豁免管制屋宇作为访问对象。
About 11 600 units in commercial and industrial buildings will be drawn at random for enumeration and all the units in the twenty selected buildings will be enumerated 这项统计调查以随机抽样方式,选出约11600个于工商业建筑物的单位作为访问对象,及访问所有位于被选定的二十间工商业建筑物中的单位。